


Sending of boxes of medications for the Nephrology department of the HJRA Hospital.

MAY 2018

The doctor Julien Borowczyk, deputy of the Loire department and member of the group Friendship France-Madagascar, introduces Tsarà to ARTIC 42 (regional association for the treatment of chronic renal failure). Thanks to its director, Mrs Olivier, Tsarà could benefit from different material needed by health centers: dialysis machines and consultation tables.

MARCH 2018

Invitation to the French National Assembly

Tsarà’s President and Vice-President have had the honour to present Tsarà’s actions to the members of the National Assembly and to the group Friendship France-Madagascar.



Donation of material

The companies Morgate Biomédical and Hémotec provided support to Tsarà by donating conductivity meters and care medication, at HJRA Hospital’s Nephrology department on October 31st 2017.

Courtesy call at the French National Assembly

On 2 November 2017, Tsarà’s President, Tiana, met with the president of the National Assembly, Mr Jean-Max Rakotomamonjy, and with 4 deputies.

Reception of healthcare beds

End of November 2017, the HJRA Hospital’s Nephrology department received the first part of healthcare beds. A recognizable achievement in line with Tsarà’s mission and projects! 


Mahaleo fundraising concert in Toulouse, France

The Mahaleo music band affirmed their support to Tsarà, giving a part of proceeds from the concert to Tsarà, that took place on 21 October 2017 in Villemur sur Tarn, Château Lagarrigues, France.

Forum of the diaspora

Tsarà took part of the Forum of the diaspora, from 25 to 28 October 2017, at the Village Voara in Adohatapenaka, Antananarivo.

MAY – JULY 2017

On the weekend of May 1st 2017, a new step of the Transplant project was achieved. This mission, led by Professor Henri Vacher-Coponat, together with the Professor Lova Randriamanantsoa’s Nephrology Department at the HJRA public hospital, was successful. Thanks to this mission, a whole network developed to make life win.

Even if Tsarà’s technical team is ready, the next step will require even more solidarity, since any risks from the patient or his/her donor shouldn’t be overlooked. 

Transplant is not allowed yet in Madagascar, Tsarà is taking over with its international medical team.

Presentation of the project
Tsarà’s mission is to help renal insufficient people in Madagascar. The association is currently preparing its very first major action: kidney transplant on a Malagasy renal insufficient patient in June 2017 [Edit from May 2017 – initially in June 2017]. The goal is to allow the transplant’s generalisation for compatible patients and donors.

As transplant is not allowed yet in Madagascar, this first operation will take place in Palestine with the support of our international medical team. The patient and his donor are ready and compatible, but unfortunately can’t afford the 6 to 7 weeks of dialysis before the transplant. {Edit from May 2017:  after completion of the pre-transplant assessment, the patient’s file planned for June could not be validated, due to another pathology detected very last minute. Tsarà’s and the HJRA Hospital’s medical teams are currently looking at and studying other compatible patient/donor’s files].

The goal of this fundraising is to take charge of the care’s cost, otherwise the transplant would not be possible anymore. This fundraising will also allow the whole preparation of the transplant project. The professor Henri Vacher-Coponat will travel to Madagascar to make a patient/donor evaluation in April 2017. The professor Lova Randriamanantsoa from Antananarivo’s public hospital will then accompany the later in Palestine, where the transplant will take place.

In the meantime, Tsarà is organising humanitarian event throughout the year to finance its actions. The next event will take place on 21 October 2017 in Villemur sur Tarn, France, on the occasion of Mahaleo’s 45th anniversary.

Origin of the project

Tsarà Association is involved with Antananarivo’s public hospital to bring:

  • material help (dialysis machines);
  • healthcare and medication;
  • technical help for kidney transplant.

Help through material shipment, healthcare and medicated have progressed since 2012. Today, we believe that kidney transplant can be made thanks to the help of the Hébron hospital, Palestine, who will welcome us free of charge for fifteen days.

This hospital is equipped with operating rooms compliant with standards. This will allow our medical team to start working, waiting for the State of Madagascar to authorize kidney transplant in Madagascar.

How will the money raised be used?

The money raised will allow to bear the cost for:

  • The professor Henri Vacher-Coponat’s expenses: roundtrip The Reunion Island/Madagascar, food expenses for 4 days;
  • Expenses for care of the future transplanted person and his dialysis fees for 6 to 7 weeks prior transplant;
  • The professor Lova Randriamanantsoa’s expenses: roundtrip Madagascar/Palestine and accommodation expenses for 2 nights.

Our team

Tsarà is founded upon a strong team of volunteers and partners, in France and abroad.
Our medical team is composed of:

  • Professor Henri Vacher-Coponat, nephrologist
  • Professor Lova Randriamanantsoa, nephrologist
  • Doctor Raouf Salti, urological surgeon
  • Doctor Rakotobe Andrianabela, neurologist surgeon and Honorary President of Tsarà
  • Partnership with the Hébron hospital (Palestine) and its director,
    also nephrologist working with Tsarà
  • Anaesthetist at the Hébron hospital (Palestine)

Together, let’s make this project possible: let’s save a life. Click here to make a donation.


Announcement: 21 October 2017 – Concert 45th anniversary of Mahaleo

It is confirmed: Tsarà will be honoured and pleased to organise the concert for the 45th anniversary of the legendary music band, Mahaleo, in Toulouse, on Saturday 21 October 2017! 



Tsarà’s Press Kit – November 2016 (French)

Read all about Tsarà’s last news and upcoming projects in Tsarà Press kit – November 2016 (in French).

Contact for more information: [email protected]

JUNE 2016

Exceptional concert: Fafah and Dadah in Lyon

Fafah and Dadah honoured Tsarà by performing in Lyon on June 25th 2016.

The public was glad to enjoy such a night, celebrating Madagascar’s independence day and enjoying the dancing party after the concert.

Dadah & Fafah concert in Lyon, France
Dadah & Fafah concert in Lyon, France

Thanks to this event, Tsarà received the commitment from 4 doctors and 1 nurse, all ready to join the adventure…!

Tsarà would like to warmly thank: all of the volunteers (Claire, Sandy, Richard, Brian, Rojo, Joe, Rindra, Cathy, Eva, Naivo, Lalaina, Tiana), all of the artists, Mi’ristoka (Production) for making this event possible, in collaboration with Tsarà, Narcice, Ragoda from MNG, and all of the public for its support and these beautiful moments we shared altogether.


HJRA’s hospital medical material operational, bill about kidney transplant in progress… Tsarà is moving forward!

The material sent to HJRA in August 2015 is now operational! A light technical issue for 2 machines has however been notified. Tsarà is receiving proposals for material donations: healthcare beds, wheelchairs, patient lifters, walkers… as well as medications.

One of our partners gave Tsarà 3 boxes of medications for post-transplant follow-up. We would like to thank Mrs H. Randria – IDE Libéral – Rouen for this valuable help.

In parallel, the bill about kidney transplant in Madagascar is waiting to be discussed by the Parliament. And Tsarà believes in it! 



Exceptional Mahaleo concert on October 17th 2015 in South West France

On Saturday October 17th, 2015, the whole famous music band Mahaleo honoured Tsarà during an exceptional concert in Grisolles (near Toulouse, France).

After the official reception of the first shipment of dialysis machines to the public hospital HJRA end of August 2015, this unprecedented event allowed Tsarà to get closer to its next goal: kidney transplant in Madagascar.

More information about the concert on Tsarà’s Facebook page.


Official reception of the 1st shipment of dialysis machines to HJRA

On August 27th 2015, the official reception of the first significative sending from Tsarà to HJRA hospital successfully occurred: 7 dialysis machines together with other materials and medications for people suffering from renal failure at the public hospital of Antananarivo.

This is a huge step forward on actions led by Tsarà since its start in 2011!

JULY 2015

Tsarà Press Kit (French) – July 2015

Tsarà Press kit – July 2015 (in French)

Download it by clicking here.

April 2015

Interview of Tiana Rakotonirainy, President of Tsarà, on the radio show Gasik’Arts (04/12/2015)