Category: Non classé


November 2019 Discover more about Tsarà in our Tsarà’s Press Kit – November 2019 (in English) July 2019 Towards the nephrology department of the HJRA hospital :          3 tons of dialysis supplies          more than 6700 dialyzers June 2019 Delivery of 16 dialysis machines (destination to be defined in collaboration with the services of …

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Editorial by the president of Tsarà

Since February 1st, 2010, the date when I donated one of my kidneys, I have always nurtured the idea of ​​humanitarian action for people suffering from kidney disease in Madagascar. Aware that the road would be long, I created the association Tsarà in November 2011, surrounded by volunteers (students, doctors, singer-songwriter, employees, family) with the …

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